何かあったら連絡ちょうだいねって歌っす。(曲先っす)さりげなくラブソングってことがミソ、醤油。【歌詞】Always With YouKey : CBPM : 120My heart is always with you.Both of us are living apart.You look like you lost your best friend.Please remember me, call me.Actually I want to hold your hand, if you ... 続きを見る
眠れない夜、そっと目を閉じて、面影を偲ぶ。- 50 Ways to have the pleasure -You and I have always life until we die.And she and Girl in my heart, too.Everyday we are sufferring a little.Everyboy wants the pleasure.But I have not only given hints to you.【歌詞】 幸せになる50の方法別れたときは 次の... 続きを見る